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மகா கவி பாரதியின் பாடல்கள் இந்திய மக்கள் உள்ளங்களிலே
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Yessvee Ramani Jokes and Books published in Tamil Nadu, Media

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Demolishing the Old Anna Arch and constructing new one is the best solution.

Demolishing the Old Anna Arch and constructing new one is the best solution.

பழைய அண்ணா வளைவை இடித்துவிட்டு. புதிய வளைவை கட்டினால், அரசுக்கு
கோடிக்கணக்கான பணமும் மிச்சமாகும் , புதிய வளைவும் பொலிவுடனும், வலிவுடனும் அமையும்  என பொதுமக்கள் நினைக்கிறார்கள்.  

Restoration of Anna Arch, which escaped demolition after withstanding electric saws and diamond cutters for three days early this month, started on 26-9-2012 Wednesday after chief minister J Jayalalithaa visited the site. Earlier this month, a contractor had been employed to bring down the structure to make way for a Rs. 117-crore flyover-subway project to ease traffic congestion. On the third day of work, the CM ordered that the demolition be stopped and the flyover-subway plan altered. So, there stood the arch, precariously, held by a crane.  Sources said the crane cost the department, Rupees 4 lakh a day by way of rent. “With this cost in mind, the budget for the demolition was 8 lakh as we thought it would be over in two days,” said a highways official. The crane has been in use for 23 days now, the rent adding up to 92 lakh. While the restoration work will take four months, the crane has to be there for at least 10 more days, which means an additional 40 lakh.

On Wednesday, engineers brought two temporary stilts to support the arch, now being held in place by the crane after concrete cutters gnawed at its base. There were traffic snarls in the locality, as a posse of police personnel was deployed near the arch for the chief minister’s visit. In The CM interacted with engineers at the site.

Anna Arch was built in 1985 to commemorate the 75th birth anniversary of former chief minister C Annadurai. The arch was to be removed to make way for a 117-crore of two L-shaped flyovers and a subway, but the decision was stayed by the CM in view of its association with two chief ministers from the past. Now the change in design to accommodate the arch is expected to delay the completion of the project. “The department will take six months to come up with a new design,” said a senior highways official. With the highways secretary replaced around 15 days ago, sources said there would be further delay. Please see the pictures of Anna Arch.

General opinion of the people is if a new Arch is constructed by demolishing the old arch, more money and time will be saved and the new arch will also stand with more strong and beautiful.  

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