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Mahakavi Bharathi songs created patriotism in the mind of Indians.

மகா கவி பாரதியின் பாடல்கள் இந்திய மக்கள் உள்ளங்களிலே
விடுதலை உணர்வைத் தூண்டியது.

Yessvee Ramani Jokes and Books published in Tamil Nadu, Media

Friday, September 28, 2012

Money alone cannot attract a poor boy to marry a lesbian girl if she continues lesbian life.

Money alone cannot attract a poor boy to marry a lesbian girl if she continues lesbian life.

A Hong Kong tycoon is offering $65 million for any man who manages to woo his lesbian daughter into marriage. Property magnate Cecil Chao Sze-tsung said he is even ready to accept a poor son-inlaw for his 33-year-old daughter Gigi Chao. “I don’t mind whether he is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kind-hearted,” the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post quoted Chao as saying. Gigi’s father, the 76-yearold owner of Cheuk Nang (Holdings) Ltd, rejected suggestions that his daughter is a lesbian, and described reports she had gotten hitched as “false,” the SCMP said.

The reports said she had married Sean Eav, her girlfriend of seven years, in France on April 4. A photograph on her Facebook page shows her in Paris with another female, possibly her partner, last April. Below the picture, she commented at that time: “Going to Paris to buy a few businesses”.

“Gigi is a very good woman with both talents and looks. She is devoted to her parents, is generous and does volunteer work,” the tycoon father told SCMP about her daughter, who is a graduate from the University of Manchester. Chao said he would not force his daughter to marry a man against her will. Comments posted by readers in the newspaper website suggested hostile reaction with some advising Chao not to force his daughter to give up her lesbian life.

We cannot able to explain what lesbian love is. The lesbian lovers can only explain whether they can spend their whole life, with lesbian lovers or they can leave it and marry in other sex.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Demolishing the Old Anna Arch and constructing new one is the best solution.

Demolishing the Old Anna Arch and constructing new one is the best solution.

பழைய அண்ணா வளைவை இடித்துவிட்டு. புதிய வளைவை கட்டினால், அரசுக்கு
கோடிக்கணக்கான பணமும் மிச்சமாகும் , புதிய வளைவும் பொலிவுடனும், வலிவுடனும் அமையும்  என பொதுமக்கள் நினைக்கிறார்கள்.  

Restoration of Anna Arch, which escaped demolition after withstanding electric saws and diamond cutters for three days early this month, started on 26-9-2012 Wednesday after chief minister J Jayalalithaa visited the site. Earlier this month, a contractor had been employed to bring down the structure to make way for a Rs. 117-crore flyover-subway project to ease traffic congestion. On the third day of work, the CM ordered that the demolition be stopped and the flyover-subway plan altered. So, there stood the arch, precariously, held by a crane.  Sources said the crane cost the department, Rupees 4 lakh a day by way of rent. “With this cost in mind, the budget for the demolition was 8 lakh as we thought it would be over in two days,” said a highways official. The crane has been in use for 23 days now, the rent adding up to 92 lakh. While the restoration work will take four months, the crane has to be there for at least 10 more days, which means an additional 40 lakh.

On Wednesday, engineers brought two temporary stilts to support the arch, now being held in place by the crane after concrete cutters gnawed at its base. There were traffic snarls in the locality, as a posse of police personnel was deployed near the arch for the chief minister’s visit. In The CM interacted with engineers at the site.

Anna Arch was built in 1985 to commemorate the 75th birth anniversary of former chief minister C Annadurai. The arch was to be removed to make way for a 117-crore of two L-shaped flyovers and a subway, but the decision was stayed by the CM in view of its association with two chief ministers from the past. Now the change in design to accommodate the arch is expected to delay the completion of the project. “The department will take six months to come up with a new design,” said a senior highways official. With the highways secretary replaced around 15 days ago, sources said there would be further delay. Please see the pictures of Anna Arch.

General opinion of the people is if a new Arch is constructed by demolishing the old arch, more money and time will be saved and the new arch will also stand with more strong and beautiful.  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Model-Actor Aritri, who was among the Miss India Top 22 in 2006, was molested at her Home.

Model-Actor Aritri, who was among the Miss India Top 22 in 2006, was molested at her Home.

Model-actor Aritri Bhattacharya and her mother were beaten up and molested in their home in the presence of a politician and realtors in Chandernagore on September 20. Aritri says the attacker stripped her and tried to rape her in front of the gawking crowd but she managed to fight him off. Police ignored her complaint, although the victims had bleeding injuries. Chandernagore OC Sukhomoy Chakraborty was allegedly reluctant to file an FIR and kept asking Aritri to settle it "mutually".

Police arrested the accused only on September 24 but filed mild charges, allowing him to walk free within hours. Now, the accused are threatening an acid attack on her, says the actor. Aritri, who was among the Miss India Top 22 in 2006, is a familiar face in TV commercials and serials. Three years ago, her family bought a ground-floor flat in Chandernagore where she stays with her parents and husband Mrinmoy.

The developers of her apartment, Sumit Sur and Ashis Mukherjee, live in the same complex and have an office on the ground floor, next to Aritri's bedroom. "Every day, the developers and local toughs gather in the office room and create a nuisance," said Jyoti, Aritri's mother. On the night of September 20, Sur's driver SK Nishad was loitering in front of her flat in a drunken state, she says. "Our main door was open and he was using filthy language over phone. We felt bad and bolted the door," said Jyoti. Nishad was furious and started throwing the actor's garments that were hung out to dry on the narrow passage that leads to the office room, the family says. When Aritri tried to stop him, Nishad pounced on her, she says. "He hit me with a stick and groped me.

He tore my T-shirt and pyjamas," says Aritri. Her mother rushed out to save her but she was also beaten up. "Mukherjee and Sur were there. As were a flock of local politicians. They all stood there and watched Nishad beat us up and molest my daughter," says Jyoti. The mother and daughter rushed to Chandernagore police station but failed to convince them to register a case.

"The next evening, we met the OC, who advised us for a mutual settlement," says Jyoti. On September 22, just when the family was about to contact superior officers, police registered a case against Nishad under bailable sections of the IPC. According to police records, Nishad was arrested at 4.40am on September 24 and got bail within hours. "Since then Mukherjee, Sur and their aides have been threatening to throw acid bulbs on my daughter. They dropped a senior police officer's name and said they would frame Aritri in a theft case. We are so scared that we have decided to move out from Chandernagore," Jyoti says. The OC claimed that he had taken "adequate steps according to the nature of the complaint".

But he could not explain why the accused was not slapped with graver charges when his investigating officer found that Aritri's clothes had been ripped off. The Chander-Nagore Police officials must take strigent action against the culprits and they should not fail from their duty insafe guarding the innocent pople.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gaddafi beat raped and kidnapped schoolgirls and used them as sex slaves.

Gaddafi beat raped and kidnapped schoolgirls and used them as sex slaves.

மனித இதயமற்ற கடாபி மறைந்து விட்டாலும் அவனால் கெடுக்கப்பட்ட பெண்களுக்கு மறு வாழ்வு கிடைக்குமா என்பது தெரியவில்லை.

Latest News from News paper [25-9-2012] is Slain Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi beat and raped kidnapped schoolgirls he used as sex slaves, a reporter has revealed in a new book. French journalist Annick Cojean revealed how a 15-year-old victim, named as Soraya, was abducted in 2004 by the late tyrant’s ‘talent scouts’ after she was chosen to give him a bouquet when he visited her school. She was driven for hours through the desert, had blood taken and her breasts measured before being stripped and shaved.

After being dressed in a thong and lowcut white satin dress, Soraya was escorted to Gaddafi’s bedroom and was shocked to find him naked. “He said, ‘Don’t be afraid. I’m your papa. That’s what you call me, isn’t it? But I’m also your brother and your lover. I’m going to be all that for you. Because you are going to stay and live with me forever’,” Soraya revealed according to the book Les Proies: Dans le harem de Kadhafi (Prey: In Gaddafi’s Harem). According to the paper, Gaddafi repeatedly raped, beat and urinated on the teenager during her five years in captivity.

Sometimes other girls would join them. When another girl performed oral sex on Gaddafi he would tell Soraya to ‘Watch and learn’, the report said. One girl describes how she was forced to wear lacy underwear and watch porn films, and added that Gaddafi had ‘needed’ several girls every day.
According to the paper, the book also revealed how Gaddafi’s sex slave victims are still suffering after being rejected by their families for having sex when they were not married. Even though heartless Gadaffi has died, the present Libya government must take up the welfare of the women spoiled by Gadaffi.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Ganesha is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune.

Ganesha is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune.

வேத விநாயகனே சரணம்..!

Vinayaka Chaturthi, is the Hindu festival and it is being celebrated in Chennai in grand manner. It is believed that Lord Ganesh bestows his presence on earth for all his devotees during this festival. It is the day Shiva declared his son Ganesha as superior to all the gods, barring Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva and Parvati.

Ganesha is widely worshipped as the god of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune and traditionally invoked at the beginning of any new venture or at the start of travel. The festival, also known as Vinayaka Chathurthi is observed in the Hindu calendar month of Aavani starting on the shukla chaturthi (fourth day of the waxing moon period).

The date usually falls between 19 August and 20 September. While Ganesh Pooja is being celebrated all over India, it is most elaborate in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and Chhattisgarh. Outside India, it is celebrated widely in Nepal and by Hindus in the United States, Canada, Mauritius, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Burma , Fiji and Trinidad & Tobago.In Chennai the people has celebrated Vinayaka Pooja by creating his image in grand manner.

See some of the Ganesh gigantic models which people have created for worship. Shri Ganesha is the symbol of auspiciousness, to bless his devotees.

Sri. Vinayaka Saranam..!

Friday, September 21, 2012

At Tiruchendur Skanda Sashti is celebrated with a unique ritual called Soorasamharam.

At Tiruchendur Skanda Sashti is celebrated with a unique ritual called Soorasamharam.

Tiruchendur also known as Thiru-Cheer-Alaivai. It is famous as the second of the Arupadai Veedugal or Six Abodes of Lord Muruga. The magnificient temple over the course of nearly 1,000 years has grown from its original modest structure through many additions made by Pandya and Chera kings, and various benefactors.

'Tiruchendur' means a sacred and prosperous town of victory. Notably, the Gopuram or the temple tower is on the West instead of the East as is traditional due to the sea.  The massive structure is nine storey high and stands at 137 feet. The Gopuram was constructed roughly 300 years ago. The sculpture on the Gopuram chronicles interesting events. For instance, there are scenes from the life of Manikkavachakar. In the ninth storey, a huge bell was fixed by one Mr. Eden, probably the Collector of Tirunelveli from 1832 to 1839. The ringing of the bell indicated the hours of the day.

The bell is now not in use because the mechanism is in disrepair. In the 17th century AD, Tiruchendur temple was occupied by the Dutch for few years and they even looted some of the idols in the temple. Legend has it that the Arumuga Peruman idol was carried away in their ship. There was a sudden storm and the Dutch grew afraid and threw the idol into the sea. Vadamalaiyappa Pillai, an ardent devotee of Lord Muruga saw a vision of the idol's position in his dream. Immediately, he and several other devotees rushed to the spot where as foretold in the dream a lemon was floating and Garuda was flying over the spot.

They dove into the sea and recovered the statue. The temple was originally constructed on the sandstone reefs of the beach, but due to corrosion by the sea the structure began to disintegrate. In early 1900s a sannyasin, Mouna Swami took up the renovation work. This was followed by others over a course of 72 years and the three pragarams were constructed anew in black granite stone. Festivals.Thaipusam Festival, Vaikasi Visagam (May - June), Avani festival (August � September), Skanda Sasti Festival - 7 days (October - November) and Masi festival - 12 days (February - March) are the important festival celebrated at Thiruchendur Murugan Temple. Of these, Skanda Sashti is celebrated in a large scale with a unique ritual called Soorasamharam.

OM Muruga Saranam..!                                      OM Muruga Saranam..!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Thiru Kurippu Thonda Nayanar served Siva Bhaktas by washing their dirty clothes.

Thiru Kurippu Thonda Nayanar served Siva Bhaktas by washing their dirty clothes.

சிவனடியார்களின் அழுக்கடைந்த ஆடைகளை வெளுக்கும் பணியினைச் செய்து வந்தார் திருக்குறிப்புத் தொண்ட நாயனார்.

Thondamandalam was a prosperous land. Its capital was Kanchipuram. Here, Parvathi worshipped the Lord, according to the Agamas. The Lord here is called Ekambaranathar. Tiruthondar was born here. He was a washerman. He was a staunch devotee of Lord Siva. He served Siva Bhaktas, understanding their need by watching for the signs on their face, and hence he had earned the name Tiru Kurippu Thonda Nayanar.

His service consisted mainly of washing the clothes of Siva Bhaktas. Lord Siva wanted to bless this devotee: and, as usual, it had to be preceded by a severe test. The Lord disguised Himself as a poor man, with Rudraksham on his neck and sacred ashes over the body, and appeared before Tiruthondar wearing a dirty rag. The very sight of the Siva Bhakta put Nayanar in a trance.

He worshipped him. Thondar then asked him: ‘You have purified my house by your visit. How is it you are so emaciated? And, your rag needs washing. Kindly allow me to do this service for you.’ The Siva Bhakta agreed to let him do so on one condition: the rag should be washed, dried and returned to him before sunset, otherwise his emaciated body would perish in the cold. When Thondar accepted the work, there was brilliant sunlight.

He had washed the rag and immediately, it began to rain heavily. It was nearing sunset time. There was no hope of getting the rag dried. Thondar was greatly upset. Instead of serving the Siva Bhakta, he was going to put him to great hardship. Thinking of this sin, Thondar, dashed his head, prayerfully, on the washing stone, and began to weep. Lord Siva appeared before him held his hand and said I am highly pleased with your sincere devotion. You will soon come to My Abode and live happily there forever.

Tiru Kurippu Thondar fell at the Lord’s Feet and sang His glory. OM Namasivayaa..! OM Namasivayaa..!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Brahmin’s auspicious ritual’s from Child Birth to Marriage.

Brahmin’s auspicious ritual’s from Child Birth to Marriage.

All the Brahmins in South India used to follow complex rituals in connection with major events in their lives, such as pregnancy, childbirth, education, marriage, and death.

Although, the number of major samskaras fluctuates between 12 and 18 in the Grhya Sutras, later, it became 16 in number, generally known as "Shodasha Samskaras". Here thro the video you can hear about Jatakarma Upanayana and Vivaha rituals to be adhered to by Brahmins. Wish you all best of luck.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Worship of Thiruvannamalai and Thiru Kalahasti Temples.

Worship of Thiruvannamalai and Thiru Kalahasti Temples.

Thiruvannamalai திருவண்ணாமலை is one of the Pancha Bootha Sthalangal representing the fire element along with Chidambaram, Sri Kalahasti, Thiruvanaikoil and Kanchipuram representing space, wind, water and earth respectively.Four Brahmotsavams are celebrated every year, the most famous of which is the one celebrated during the Tamil month of Karthikai (November/December).

The ten day event culminates on the day of Karthigai Deepam. On that evening, a huge lamp is lit in a cauldron with three tons of ghee at the top of the Annamalai hill. Every full moon night, tens of thousands of pilgrims worship Shiva by circumambulating the Annamalai hill barefoot. The circumambulation covers a distance of about 14 km. On the yearly Chitra Powrnami (full moon) night in the Tamil calendar year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from across the world visit the sacred town.Sri.

Ramana Maharshigal lived in Thiruvannamalai for fifty three years until his death in 1950.His Ashram, Sri.Ramanashram, is located at the foot of the Annamalai hill, to the west of the town. Srikalahasti Temple: ஸ்ரீகாளஹஸ்தி is located in the town of Srikalahasti, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is one of the most famous Shiva temples in South India, and is said to be the site where Kannappa, one of the 63 Saivite Nayanars, was ready to offer both his eyes to cover blood flowing from the Siva lingam before the Lord Siva stopped him and granted him mukti.

Sri Kalahasti temple, situated 36 km away from Tirupati is famous for its Vayu lingam, one of the Panchabhoota Sthalams, representing wind. The inner temple was constructed around 5th century and the outer temple was constructed in the 12th century by the Chola king, Rajendra Chola. Vayu is incarnated as Lord Shiva and worshiped as Kalahasteeswara.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Shahanaaz says that she has married only four men not more.

Shahanaaz says that she has married only four men not more.

A police team from the city arrested Shahanaz, who was on the run after 'marrying' several men and cheating them of lakhs of rupees in cash and jewellery, in Bangalore. Police officers arrested 25-year-old Shahanaz Ismail, who is five months pregnant, on a tip-off. Investigators said one of Shahanaz's friends in Hosur, where she had taken refuge after absconding from Chennai, helped police make the arrest.

Police brought her to Chennai by car on Sunday. Police said Shahanaz, from Pathanamthitta district in Kerala, cheated at least seven men in Chennai. She unofficially married four of her victims before deserting them with their cash and valuables. A district-level football player from Pulianthope and a car showroom employee from Mugalivakkam, whom Shahanaz had cheated of a total of Rs 3 lakh, lodged a police complaint against her on August 22.

An investigating officer said Shahanaz gave the victims visiting cards on which she claimed to be a graduate of law, and took money from them on the pretext of preparing for the civil service examinations. Shahanaz told police during interrogation that she had only completed Plus-2 in Kerala. She said her mother had deserted her after her father died 10 years ago. "She married Siddique when she was in Class 10 in Kerala," the officer said. "She left Siddique, with whom she had a child, and got a job in a textile showroom.

But she wasn't making enough money so she came to Chennai in 2005." He said Shahanaz worked at a store and stayed in a rented house in Medavakkam. She married an art director, Rahul, from Trichy in 2007 and deserted him after six months. "Shahanaz got a job in a supermarket shortly after leaving Rahul and convinced the owner, Shamsuddin, to give her a loan of Rs 1.85 lakh," the officer said. "She claimed that she needed the money to buy a house and vanished as soon as he gave her the money." By this time she had married Prasanna, a football player who lived in Pulianthope. "Shamusuddin informed Prasanna that his wife was having affairs with several men," the officer said. "

He showed him photographs of Shahanaz with other men." When Prasanna questioned her, she said Shamusuddin was a pervert. She got a job in a BPO firm in Taramani in 2009 and this helped her get the telephone numbers of several young men. "Among the seven men Shahanaz cheated, she unofficially married Siddique, Rahul, Manikandan of Porur and Prasanna of Pulianthope. She also cheated Saravanan of Adyar, Raju of T Nagar and Saravanan of Thiruvottiyur. Manikandan and Prasanna filed a police case against her. A police team from Chennai arrested Shahanaz after her friend Priya gave investigators her number.

 Police arrested her at Kempegowda (Majestic) Bus Terminal when she arrived by bus from Hosur. Shahanaz told to her friends that she has married only four people and not more. A Girl means she has to marry only one man as her life partner.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Tamilians with self respect will never allow any Sri Lankan in Tamil Nadu.

Tamilians with self respect will never allow any Sri Lankan in Tamil Nadu.

தன்மானமுள்ள எந்தத் தமிழனும் சிங்களவன் தமிழகத்தில் நுழைவதை அனுமதிக்க மாட்டான்.

A pilgrimage to Velankanni and Poondi Matha basilicas in central Tamil Nadu turned out to be a nightmare for a group of Sri Lankan nationals. With cadres of pro-Eelam groups mobbing them at both shrines and along the route, the 184 pilgrims cut short their visit and left India by a special flight on Tuesday night. Even their departure was laced with drama and tension after protesters attacked them enroute to Trichy airport on 4-9-2012Tuesday.

The police escort provided to their seven vehicles ensured that none of them was injured, but at least one bus was damaged. “All of them were made to stay at the Cargo terminal of Trichy airport till the flight arrived. They were provided food and other facilities,” said Shailesh Kumar Yadav, Trichy city police commissioner. The group arrived at the Trichy airport from Colombo on Sunday evening and drove down to the Poondi Matha basilica in Thanjavur. They had planned to visit the shrine before leaving for Velankanni near Nagappatinam, where the annual festival at the Velankanni Matha basilica that attracts the faithful from all over the world, got underway last week.

However, trouble waited for them at the basilica in form of a 100-member strong mob who demanded that they return to Sri Lanka immediately. However, the protesters dispersed after the police intervened and assured them that the pilgrims would leave the basilica on Tuesday morning. The pilgrim party left Poondi for Velankanni at 2am on Tuesday in seven vehicles with police escort.

Though they were allowed to pray at the shrine, protesters shadowed them everywhere. Anticipating trouble, police stepped up security and made arrangements to escort them to Trichy airport. “They were sent to Trichy airport and a police team escorted them,” told by G Ramar, superintendent of police, Nagappattinam.

Tamilians with self respect will never allow any Sri Lankan in Tamil Nadu.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

PRP Granite Scam.

PRP Granite Scam.
 P R Palanisamy, the owner of PRP Exports, one of the
largest firms, and Panneer Mohamed, the owner of Madura Granites, have been arrested in connection with the granite scam
The bail plea of Dayanidhi Alagiri, Union minister M K Alagiri’s son,and grandson of  former Chief Minister Karunanidhi  will come up for hearing before the Madurai bench of the Madras high court on Tuesday in connection with the multi-crore high-voltage illegal granite mining case.
Dayanidhi Alagiri is one among a dozen people named by the Madurai district police and is wanted in connection with a quarrying case for his admitted association with a suspect mining firm.
While DMK leaders cried foul and pointed out that he ceased to be associated with Olympus Granites in 2010 itself, the police have denied any witch-hunting. They said that the fraud was happening even before 2010.
Given the fact that the anticipatory bail plea of Alagiri’s son is coming up before the court for the first time on September 4, it is unlikely that the courts will pass any interim orders any time soon.
The focus on the crackdown on illegal granite quarrying, that began a month ago has shifted to the role of government officials in the scam. Close on the heels of the arrest of three officials of Tamil Nadu Minerals Limited (TAMIN), another senior official was detained by the police. The official, J Rajaraman, an assistant director of department of mines, was interrogated by the police sleuths for alleged connivance with the granite mafia. “There are two aspects in our probe. One is the connivance of the officials and the other the amassment of wealth through illegal means,” said a police officer. Meanwhile, the directorate of vigilance and anti-corruption (DVAC) sleuths conducted a raid in the premises of TAMIN office in Madurai.
The special investigation cell of the DVAC stepped into the ongoing action against illegal mining on Tuesday last. A team of DVAC officials visited Madurai and discussed about the scam with collector Anshul Mishra. They also visited the quarries before plunging into action. The district collectorate premises witnessed a flurry of activity on Sunday as a team of officials raided the office of the department of mines. The sleuths scrutinised the documents pertaining to quarrying licence and also seized some documents. More senior bureaucrats are like to face the heat if the arrested TAMIN officials spill the beans.
Let us wait and see who are all involved in this granite scam.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We must appreciate Pranav Prakash nudity paintings and should not find fault with him.

We must appreciate Pranav Prakash nudity paintings and should not find fault with him. 
இந்திய திருக்கோயில்களில் சிற்பிகளால் வடிவமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ள நிர்வாண வடிவமுள்ள சிற்பங்களையும் பார்க்கிறோம். அவற்றைப் பார்த்து சிற்பியின் திறமையை பாராட்ட வேண்டுமே தவிர குறை கூறக்கூடாது. 
Delhi-based artist Pranava Prakash has always been in the news for painting celebrities in the nude. Earlier this year, he was assaulted during his exhibition of nude paintings of Veena Malik, Poonam Pandey, etc. He says that nudity should be viewed as a celebration of the human anatomy and not as something sordid.
Criticism mostly comes from people with double standards. These women are proud of their body and are using it to influence their career graph. My paintings too stand for an idea. When I painted Arundhati Roy in the nude, it was a symbol for an idea and should be viewed as that,” Pranava says.
Nudity’s association with art is age-old. Art schools have always had models posing in the nude. “There are two ways to see nudity — one with an angle of commodification of the body; the other as a part of art,” Pranava says. The naked human form can sensationalise and attract attention. “But nobody sane should look down or frown upon it,” says film producer Rangita Pritish Nandy. “Nudity is a shout-out to the world that you’re happy, proud, fearless and (hopefully) beautiful! Like everything else that we tear into, let’s not over-think or over-analyse it,” she adds.
In fact, with easy accessibility, courtesy the digital world, the forbidden fruit syndrome has ebbed, says filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. “But in our country, we’ve gone from an age of repression to an age of obsession. Yes, everybody is using the human anatomy to shock and titillate but I belong to a profession where I wouldn’t think that you are depraved if you do so,” he says. Take nudity for what it is — “I wouldn’t hide behind ‘art’ or justify generous use of sexual imagery,” he adds.
It all depends on perception, culture and cultivated tastes. The more aesthetically shot or painted, the more accepted nudity is. Dabboo says, “Poses and expressions are very important. One shouldn’t try too hard. The more comfortable you are with your body, the more aesthetic you will look in the natural form. If you do it by force, for money, for publicity, it will look vulgar and pornographic. But if it’s for the love of art or photography, you will realise that the result is beautiful.” Dabboo recalls the late Prabuddha Dasgupta’s artistic expression of nudes. “I loved his shots, especially the black and whites,” Dabboo says.
To strip or promote the idea of nudity is an individual choice, says Pranava. “Nudity grabs eye balls, attention and is a fabulous conversation starter (or concluder, if you’re lucky). And really, at the end of every promise/threat to strip is a personal choice to do so,” adds Rangita. Would she go naked? For the right reasons. Or maybe just for fun. And if I were in Vegas, absolutely, yes! But nobody other than me has the right to judge that decision,” she says.
In Temples in India we are seeing much life like nudity sculptures and paintings carved by sculptor and Artist.We must appreciate only their talent and should not find fault with them. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

In the farmers meeting Erode D.R.O. was painting pictures on the book with a green ink pen.

In the farmers meeting Erode D.R.O. was painting pictures on the book with a green ink pen.
Erode collectors office on 31-8-2012 was having a meeting with farmers under the president ship of DRO Ganesh; to solve their problems.
DRO was busy in writing something and others thought that he was taking the grievances explained by the farmers. But he was actually painting pictures on the book with a Green ink pen. Dinamalar News Paper dated 2-9-2012 has published the photographs of DRO.
Our Chief Minister wants that all Government Officials should work sincerely and solve the problems of affected people and to bring a good name to the Government. But officials like DRO are playing like a child in the meeting conducted to solve the farmers problem.
Our Tamil Nadu CM must take stringent action on erring officials.
ஈரோடு கலெக்டர் அலுவலகத்தில் 31-8-2012 அன்று நடந்த விவசாயிகள் குறை தீர்க்கும் கூட்டத்தில்,ஈமு கோழி பிரச்னை, கரும்புக்கு நிலுவை பணம் பாக்கி, பாசனத்துக்கு தண்ணீர்த் தட்டுப்பாடு என விவசாயிகள் தங்கள் தரப்புக் குறைகளை தெரிவித்துக் கொண்டிருந்தனர். கூட்டத்துக்கு தலைமை வகித்த டி.ஆர.ஒ. கணேஷ், மும்மரமாக எதையோ எழுதிக்கொண்டிருந்தார்; விவசாயிகள் பெசுவதைத்தான் டி.ஆர.ஒ. குறிப்பு எடுக்கிறார் என நினைத்து அருகில் போய்
பார்த்தால்,பச்சை மை பேனாவால் அவர் மும்மரமாக படம் வரைந்து கொண்டிருந்தார்.
விவசாயிகளின் குறைகளைக் கேட்டு குறைகளைகளைத் தீர்க்க வேண்டிய அதிகாரிகள் இப்படி நடந்துகொண்டு, தமிழக அரசுக்கு அவப் பெயரை உண்டாக்கலாமா? தமிழ முதல்வர் அவர்கள்,தவறு செய்யும் அதிகாரிகளை கண்காணித்து தகுந்த நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கவேண்டும்.
புகைப்படங்களை வெளியிட்ட தின மலர் பத்திகைக்கு நமது நன்றி.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

11 terrorists arrested by Karnataka Police some of them trained in Saudi Arabia.

11 terrorists arrested by Karnataka Police some of them trained in Saudi Arabia.
இந்தியாவில் முஸ்லிம்கள் சர்வ சுதந்திரத்துடன் வாழ இந்திய அரசு அவர்களுக்கு சலுகைகள் பலவற்றை அளித்து பாகிஸ்தானை விட இந்தியாவில் வாழும் முஸ்லீம்கள் கௌரவத்துடன் நடத்தப்படுகிறார்கள்.
அப்படி முஸ்லீம்களுக்கு ஏராளமான சலுகைகள் வழங்கப்பட்டிருக்கும் நிலையில் அவர்கள் இந்திய நாட்டிற்கு துரோகம் நினைப்பதை எவரால் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ள முடியும்.  
Muslims in India are given more International freedom and the Indian Government giving more benefits and respect to Muslims living in India than in Pakistan. Even though a number of benefits provided to them they’re betraying the country which nobody can accept. Please read the story of  11 terrorists arrested by Karnataka Police.
The 11 persons arrested on terrorism charges in Bangalore made calls on the internet to contact the kingpins of a plot to kill high-profile individuals in Karnataka. Skype was their favoured mode of communication.
Most of these men, including an engineer with DRDO and a journalist, are highly educated. They used internet telephony to keep their communications with their Saudi Arabia-based kingpins a secret, and to cut costs.    “We have seized laptops and accessed the calls made by the suspects. The calls have been traced to Saudi Arabia,” deputy chief minister R Ashoka, who is in charge of the home department, told TOI. “More than 100 terrorism-related SMSs and emails have been accessed.’’ The state government has asked Interpol to probe the conversations and share its inputs with India. The suspects also made video calls on smartphones and laptops.
Cyber experts say VoIP’s biggest advantage over standard telephone systems is its low cost. Internet calls to Saudi Arabia are cost-effective and difficult to trace. Police have claimed the arrested men had plans to assassinate Dharwad MP Prahlad Joshi, MLC and newspaper baron Vijay Sankeshwar and journalists Vishveshwar Bhat and Prathap Simha. Six of them were arrested in Bangalore on Wednesday and the others in Hubli. Ashoka said: “The home department is writing to the ministry of home affairs (MHA) asking for its inputs on the flow of money to these operatives. Even Union home minister Sushilkumar Shinde has sought details. These people would not have gained strength without proper training.
We suspect a couple of them trained in Saudi Arabia. One of the arrested men posed as a Hindu to get a job.’’ Sources in the home department said Intelligence Bureau sleuths are camping in Bangalore since Thursday.
Why the Muslims in India are not willing to accept themselves as Indian citizen and brethren of Indian people.