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Mahakavi Bharathi songs created patriotism in the mind of Indians.

மகா கவி பாரதியின் பாடல்கள் இந்திய மக்கள் உள்ளங்களிலே
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Yessvee Ramani Jokes and Books published in Tamil Nadu, Media

Friday, November 25, 2011

Central shrine of all Arabia is the” Kaba” at Mecca.

Central shrine of all Arabia is the” Kaba” at Mecca.

அரேபியாவில் மெக்காவில் உள்ள இஸ்லாமிய மக்கள் வழிபடும் “காபா” பற்றி பலரும் அறிவார்கள். காபா என்பது என்ன? அதன் சிறப்பு என்ன? என்பதைப்பற்றி நாம் இப்போது “You Tube” மூலம் தெரிந்தது கொள்ளலாம்.

Repeated reference has been made in the central shrine of all Arabia, the” Kaba” at Mecca. What it did it signify? This cube shaped building, for that is the meaning of the word, measures about 39 feet by 33 and is a little over 49feet high. The chief object of the veneration in it ia the Black Stone, al-hajaru’l-aswad, which is built into the south-eastern corner, five feet above the ground. This stone is the oldest treasure of Mecca, and being in all probability an aero liter has been treated with awe from of old as something that fell from the sky. But this was only one, though a very special one, of many stones looked upon as sacred by the Arabs in those days before the establishment of the new faith. These stones of curious shapes, some long like human images and moulded by the action of wind and rain –these ( and not man made idols) were their object of worship, representing to them as God and goddesses. Some of them were worshipped where they stood; others were surrounded by a circle of stones or, like the black stone, were built into shrine.

At one time there were over 300 of these stones inside the Ka”ba. Such a shrine usually had a well in the neighbour-hood winch was used for ceremonial ablutions, and perhaps a sacred tree on which the worshippers hung votive offerings. The shrine and the surrounding area was haram, sacred territory, and all living things, men or animals, could find safe refuge within it. The very trees were sacred and no one was allowed to pluck a branch from them. Such sites were deserted for most of the year, but on special occasions the tribes assembled at these shrines and offered sacrifices, chiefly camels, to the particular god or goddess of their tribe. At the time of these sacrifices all present had to perform certain pacificator rites. They pored the blood of the sacrificial animal on the sacred stones and, after shaving their heads, ate of its flesh.

Sometimes the sacred stones were carried in procession as, for instance when there was a drought or at the time of the pilgrimages to the shrine, and then the procession concluded with a seven fold circumambulation of the shrine itself. Divination also was practiced at the shrines and in this the hahin or the soothsayer played his part.

There was no priestly class for the worship at the shrines. Their guardians and the soothsayers performed the necessary duties. The latter especially the female ones were believed to possess occult powers.

The Arabs were fatalists, with no clear idea of a future life or the immortality of the soul. They believed in and feared jinn. genii, beings half demon, half man, who had no alarming way of making themselves invisible. But in the century before Mohammad some Arabs were beginning to believe in Allah, the God of whom they said he was Allahu akbar, i.e., “Allah greater than” others.

We also appreciate and bow the way of faith of Arabians to God. We also feel that God will be every ware and even in the heart of good people who always thinking about to do good things to all human beings. We have to also think over that in the name of sacrifices any living creatures created by God should not be killed. It is my opinion that no God will accept such a cruel activity of killing animal to fulfill the wishes of the individuals.

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