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Mahakavi Bharathi songs created patriotism in the mind of Indians.

மகா கவி பாரதியின் பாடல்கள் இந்திய மக்கள் உள்ளங்களிலே
விடுதலை உணர்வைத் தூண்டியது.

Yessvee Ramani Jokes and Books published in Tamil Nadu, Media

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stories of Tenali Raman-Part-1. தெனாலி இராமன்.

Stories of Tenali Raman-Part-1. தெனாலி இராமன்.

Once upon a Time, in a small village called Tenali lived a boy called Raman. Tenali was under the province of Vijayanagar, and then ruled by the King Krishnadevaraya. Rama was a clever boy, but was also very lazy.

One summer there was no rain in the village and all the crops had dried. After a long time of suffering, one day a sanyasi came to that village. As soon as he stepped into the village it started to rain. Everyone was very happy and gave credit to the Sanyasi and telling that he is great holy man. But Raman made fun of them and laughed. The sanyasi did not get angry but wanted to teach Raman a lesson which would be useful to him. He called him and told” My dear son, I will teach you a mantra, which you should chant thousand times in front of the goddess idol in the Mahakali temple. The goddess will appear and bless you.

Raman did as told, Goddess Kali appeared with her thousands heads. Rama took one look at her and laughed. “Why you are laughing?” asked Goddess Kali. Mother, I find it very difficult to wipe my nose when I have cold. I have only one nose and two hands. I just imagined you with a Thousand running noses.

Mahakali smiled and said, I see you very vitty, I shall give you a boon. Here are two bowls. One has the milk of learning and the other contains the milk of wealth choose one. Raman looked at two bowls. Mother how I can choose without even tasting either bowl. Will you allow me to taste before I decide? asked Raman. The goddess agreed.

Seizing this opportunity Raman quickly gobbled up the milk from both bowls. Mahakali was furious that Raman had trickled her. “Mother forgive me,” said Raman, but of what use is learning without wealth? Raman asked. Mahakali liked Raman’s honesty and intelligence and she blessed him. It is a lesson for the youngsters to follow the intelligence way in their carrier for high achievements.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Whether opposition party leaders will follow the principles of Arignar Anna?

Whether opposition party leaders will follow the principles of Arignar Anna?

1967ஆண்டில் முதலமைச்சரான பேரறிஞர் அண்ணா சென்னைக்கு “தமிழ்நாடு” என்ற பெயர் சூட்டினார். சுயமரியாதைத் திருமணங்கள் சட்டப்படி செல்லுபடி ஆகும் என் சட்டம் செய்தார். ரூபாய்க்கு படி அரிசி திட்டத்தைக் கொண்டு வந்தார். இந்திக்கு இங்கே இடமில்லை, தமிழ்,ஆங்கிலம் என்ற இரு மொழி போதும் என்று அறிவித்தார்.

During 1967 as a Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Arignar Anna legalized Self-respect marriages for the first time in the country. Self-Respect marriages, according to him, encouraged inter-caste marriages and caused arranged marriages to be replaced by love marriages. Annadurai was also the first to use subsidising of the price of rice for election victory. He promised one rupee a measure of rice, which he initially implemented when he took charge in the government,

It was Annadurai's government that renamed the Madras State as Tamil Nadu. Annadurai as chief minister, the state assembly succeeded in passing the bill renaming the states. Another major achievement of Annadurai's government was to introduce a two language policy over the then popular three language formula. The three language formula, which was implemented in the neighbouring states entitled students to study three languages: the regional language, English and Hindi. It was during the period of his Chief Minister ship that the Second World Tamil Conference was conducted on a grand scale on 3 January 1968. Nevertheless, when a commemorative stamp was released to mark the Tamil conference, Annadurai expressed his dissatisfaction that the stamp contained Hindi when it was for Tamil.

Arignar Anna when took charge as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu during 1967, he has done everything of what he has told as an opposition party leader. Our leaders must also follow his way of sincerity in keeping up their words promised by them to the people.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What Arignar Anna told during 1948 Hindi agitation?

What Arignar Anna told during 1948 Hindi agitation?

தமிழனுடைய பண்பை அழிக்க,அவனது கலாச்சாரத்தை தமிழ் மக்களிடத்து இன்று ஏற்பட்டுள்ள புத்துணர்ச்சியை ஒழிக்க இவற்றிற்காகத்தான் இந்தியை நுழைக்கிறார்கள். அண்ணா கூறியதை “You Tube” மூலம் சொல்லி உள்ளேன்.

In the year 1946-50, there were sporadic agitations against Hindi by the Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) and Periyar. Whenever the government introduced Hindi as a compulsory language in schools, anti-Hindi protests happened and succeeded in stopping the move. The largest anti-Hindi agitations in this period occurred in 1948-50. After India obtained independence in 1947, the Congress Government at the Centre urged all states to make Hindi compulsory in schools.

The Congress Government of Madras Presidency under Omandur Ramasamy Reddiar complied and made Hindi compulsory from the academic year 1948-49. It also introduced a minimum mark qualification in Hindi for the promotion of students to higher classes. Periyar once again launched an anti-Hindi agitation. The 1948 agitation was supported by former Congress nationalists like M. P. Sivagnanam and Thiru. Vi. Ka, who recanted their earlier pro-Hindi policies.

On 17 July, the DK convened an all party anti-Hindi conference to oppose the compulsory Hindi teaching. As in the agitation of 1938-40, this agitation was also characterized by strikes, black flag demonstrations and anti-Hindi processions.

When Rajaji (then the Governor-General of India) visited Madras on 23 August, the DK staged a black flag demonstration protesting against his visit. On 27 August, Periyar and Annadurai were arrested. The Government did not change its position on Hindi and the agitation continued. On 18 December, Periyar and other DK leaders were arrested again. A compromise was reached between the government and agitators. The government stopped the legal action against the agitators and they in turn dropped the agitation on 26 December 1948.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Central shrine of all Arabia is the” Kaba” at Mecca.

Central shrine of all Arabia is the” Kaba” at Mecca.

அரேபியாவில் மெக்காவில் உள்ள இஸ்லாமிய மக்கள் வழிபடும் “காபா” பற்றி பலரும் அறிவார்கள். காபா என்பது என்ன? அதன் சிறப்பு என்ன? என்பதைப்பற்றி நாம் இப்போது “You Tube” மூலம் தெரிந்தது கொள்ளலாம்.

Repeated reference has been made in the central shrine of all Arabia, the” Kaba” at Mecca. What it did it signify? This cube shaped building, for that is the meaning of the word, measures about 39 feet by 33 and is a little over 49feet high. The chief object of the veneration in it ia the Black Stone, al-hajaru’l-aswad, which is built into the south-eastern corner, five feet above the ground. This stone is the oldest treasure of Mecca, and being in all probability an aero liter has been treated with awe from of old as something that fell from the sky. But this was only one, though a very special one, of many stones looked upon as sacred by the Arabs in those days before the establishment of the new faith. These stones of curious shapes, some long like human images and moulded by the action of wind and rain –these ( and not man made idols) were their object of worship, representing to them as God and goddesses. Some of them were worshipped where they stood; others were surrounded by a circle of stones or, like the black stone, were built into shrine.

At one time there were over 300 of these stones inside the Ka”ba. Such a shrine usually had a well in the neighbour-hood winch was used for ceremonial ablutions, and perhaps a sacred tree on which the worshippers hung votive offerings. The shrine and the surrounding area was haram, sacred territory, and all living things, men or animals, could find safe refuge within it. The very trees were sacred and no one was allowed to pluck a branch from them. Such sites were deserted for most of the year, but on special occasions the tribes assembled at these shrines and offered sacrifices, chiefly camels, to the particular god or goddess of their tribe. At the time of these sacrifices all present had to perform certain pacificator rites. They pored the blood of the sacrificial animal on the sacred stones and, after shaving their heads, ate of its flesh.

Sometimes the sacred stones were carried in procession as, for instance when there was a drought or at the time of the pilgrimages to the shrine, and then the procession concluded with a seven fold circumambulation of the shrine itself. Divination also was practiced at the shrines and in this the hahin or the soothsayer played his part.

There was no priestly class for the worship at the shrines. Their guardians and the soothsayers performed the necessary duties. The latter especially the female ones were believed to possess occult powers.

The Arabs were fatalists, with no clear idea of a future life or the immortality of the soul. They believed in and feared jinn. genii, beings half demon, half man, who had no alarming way of making themselves invisible. But in the century before Mohammad some Arabs were beginning to believe in Allah, the God of whom they said he was Allahu akbar, i.e., “Allah greater than” others.

We also appreciate and bow the way of faith of Arabians to God. We also feel that God will be every ware and even in the heart of good people who always thinking about to do good things to all human beings. We have to also think over that in the name of sacrifices any living creatures created by God should not be killed. It is my opinion that no God will accept such a cruel activity of killing animal to fulfill the wishes of the individuals.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vathsayana in Kamasutra and Thiruvalluvar in Thirukkural guided the way for happy married sex life.

Vathsayana in Kamasutra and Thiruvalluvar in Thirukkural guided the way for happy married sex life.

புதிதாக மணம் செய்துகொண்ட இளம் தம்பதிகளுக்கு, வாத்சாயனர் தனது காம சூத்ரா நூலிலும், திருவள்ளூர் தனது திருக்குறளின் இன்பத்துப் பால் மூலமாகவும்,தம்பதிகள் தங்கள் இல்லற வாழ்வில் முழு திருப்தியுடன் வாழும் வழி பற்றி விளக்கி உள்ளார்கள். அதை இளம் தம்பதிகள் நன்கு படித்து வாழ்வில் நன்மைகள் பெறவேண்டும்.

In Kamasutra it tells all manner of challenging positions. Vatsyayana has given the art of love making a dual responsibility and given both the sexes equal level of satisfaction. There are positions in the Kamasutra where woman-power is given lot of importance. Vatsyayana and Thiruvalluvar in Thirukkural have given woman so much supremacy in love making and telling man under her control.

1.The Kshudgaga Position Vatsyayana describes this position as follows:

The wife sits with raised thighs, her feet placed either side of your waist; "linga" (penis) enters "yoni" (vagina); you rain hard blows upon her body: This is "Kshudgaga". Thus in this position the woman sits astride the man with her feet positioned on either side of his waist and the man enters her with hard blows. This position gives very limited scope of penetration and enjoyment.

2.The Padma Position Vatsyayana describes this position as follows:

The man sitting facing her, he grasp her ankles and fasten them like a chain behind your neck, and she grips her toes as you make love, it is the delightful "Padma" (The Lotus)." In this position the woman has to sit on the man's lap facing him and the man lifts the woman's ankles which he positions behind his neck. He then proceeds to enter her while she grabs hold of her feet and helps the thrusting motion

3.The Kaurma Position Vatsyayana describes this position as follows:

The man and lady seated face to face, his toes caress the lovely woman's nipples, her feet press your chest and you make love holding each other's hands It is "Kaurma", the Tortoise." This is an extremely intimate and sensuous position in which touching and eye-contact is very important. The partners face each other in a seated position with their feet on each other's chest. "Sitting face to face in bed, her breasts pressed tight against your chest, let each of you lock heels behind the other's waist, and lean back clasping one another's wrists.

4.The Dolita Position Vatsyayana describes this position as follows:

This is Dolita Position (The Swing)) This position is basically about togetherness and being physically intimate. The penetration and thrusts here is almost negligent because of the peculiarity of the position.

5. The Samdamsha Position .

This is "Samdamsha". In this position where Vatsyanana gives absolute power and control to the woman. The man in this position literally has to back and enjoy while the woman has to do all the hard work. In this position the woman enjoys all the supremacy and can control the thrusts and penetration. Thus in this position the woman has to sit on the man's lap and she holds the man's penis in a vice-like grip and skillfully manipulates Movement inside her till and controls the thrusts and penetration.

Vatsyayana in Kamasutra and Tamil Poet Thiruvalluvar in Thirukkural enlightened the ways for young couples for leading a happy satisfied married life. I suggest the Young couples must read the full versions of the Books, and grasp the good and leave the bad from them.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

In Benares Aurangazeb destroyed the Temple of Vishnu and a shrine at Mathura and on its site built a Mosque.

In Benares Aurangazeb destroyed the Temple of Vishnu and a shrine at Mathura and on its site built a Mosque.

ஔரங்கசீப் பணம்,பதவிகளால் மன நிம்மதியை அடைய முடியவில்லை. மதத்தின் மீது ஆர்வம அதிகம் இருந்த அவன், மரணத்தின் பிடியிலிருந்து மீள முடியவில்லை. காசியில் உள்ள இந்து ஆலயத்தை இடித்து மசூதியைக் கட்டிய அவன் மன நிம்மதியை அடைந்தானா? அவனது படை வீரர்களே அவனிடம் பணி புரிய விரும்பாமல் தங்கள் நாடுகள் நோக்கித்திரும்பினர்.ஔரங்கசீப்பின் வரலாறு மத விரோதத்தை மறந்து, ஒருவர் மதத்தை மற்றவர் மதிக்கவேண்டும் என்பதே.

The Mughal emperor Aurangazeb was a strict Muslim of Sunni sect. The story of his reign would have been very different had he followed the policy deemed wise by his father Shah-Jahan. He only liked others of his line. He lived in dread of being poisoned. His courtiers and officers lived in fear of him, for which all respected him none loved him. Made wise from personal experience he imprisoned his own sons, one for life and another for six years because he suspected them of disloyalty. Aurangazeb nevertheless was sufficiently a Mughal to maintain a court of dazzling splendor. Delhi the city of Shah-Jahan was his favourite capital. The beautiful and famous hall of audience in the palace was often the scene of such amazing brilliance as to merit the inscription over its entrance. The famous Peacock Golden Throne constructed by Shah-Jahan, was perhaps the most arresting ornament. The value of the Throne is more than Six crores in those days.

When twenty years of his reign had passed by Aurngazeb seemed to rouse him from the tolerance he never felt and only half concealed. In Benares he destroyed the Temple of Vishnu and then razed to the ground a shrine at Mathura and on its site built a Mosque. He had the idols brought to Agra where they were buried under the steps of a Mosque, so that Muslims might feel they were trampling them underfoot.

It was a gratuitous insult to all Hindus, including the Rajputs. Aurangazeb now bethought himself of the still unconquered Deccan and turned South onwards on a punitive expedition. In Marhattas of the Konkan and Western Ghats, Hindus emerged as tireless fighters in guerilla warfare. Their leader Shivaji having established himself in the Konkan, and after gaining several successes was forced to make terms with Aurangazeb. Shivaji spirit lived in the nation he had created.

Aurangazeb conquered the Deccan. The majority of his army had no taste for service under him and went over to Marhattas. His forces just failed of success mainly because of he no longer had the assistance of the Rajputs.

Aurangazebs zealous faith could not save him from the dread of approaching death. His grave is in the obscure village of Roza, near Aurangabad.

By destroying the worship place of others faith, Aurangazeb never attained any mental peace. It is a lesson for every body that they should not indulge in others faith.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Periar says if People want to get true sense and good conduct the movies should be abolished.

Periar says if People want to get true sense and good conduct the movies should be abolished.

பெரியாரின் பொன்மொழிகள்.

மக்களிடம் உள்ளத்தில் உண்மையான உணர்ச்சி,ஒழுக்கம் ஏற்பட வேண்டுமானால் சினிமா ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டும். நீதி நேர்மை ஏற்பட வேண்டுமானால் வக்கீல் முறை ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டும்.

நாட்டில் காலிகள், அயோக்கியர்கள் ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டுமானால் பத்திரிகைகள் பெரிதும் ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டும்.

அரசியலில் நல்ல ஆட்சியும், நாணயமும் ஏற்படவேண்டுமானால் தேர்தல் முறை ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டும்.

வியாபாரத்தில் நாணயக்குறைவும், கள்ள வியாபாரமும் ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டுமானால் லைசன்ஸ்,பெர்மிட், கட்டுப்பாடு முறை ஒழிக்கப்படவேண்டும்.

ஐகோர்ட்டில் சமூக நீதி வேண்டுமானால், உயர்ந்த ஜாதியினன் என்று கருதும் மனிதனை ஜட்ஜாக நியமிப்பது ஒழிக்கப்பட வேண்டும்.

தந்தை பெரியாரின் சில பொன்மொழிகளை உங்களுக்கு”You Tube” மூலம் சொல்லி உள்ளேன். பெரியாரின் கருத்துக்கள் அனைவரும் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளக் கூடியவைகளே.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Jaylalithaa sought the cooperation of collectors and Police officers for corruption-free governance.

Jaylalithaa sought the cooperation of collectors and Police officers for corruption-free governance.

தமிழக முதல்வர் ஜெயலலிதா இலஞ்சமில்லா ஆட்சி அமைக்கப்பாடுபடுவதை,அரசு அதிகாரிகளும் உணர்ந்து,நேர்மையான முறையில் செயல் பட்டு பாடுபட முன் வரவேண்டும்.

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s free scheme for free distribution of Mixer, grinder, fan, laptop to students and goats and cows to villagers were over all appreciated by majority of Tamil Nadu people.

Forty-nine students from the government school in Kakkalur, Government Higher Secondary School in Tiruvallur,and 69 in Koppur got their laptops on September 15. “90% of our students are seeing a computer for the first time. Some students bring it to school every day,” said Kakkalur school headmaster R Madhivazhagan. S Divya, a student and another proud laptop owner, reads the Thirukkural, looks up the dictionary, and studies her textbooks online. Our computer science students find it useful during the practicals as they can now test their C or C++ programmes for syntax errors,” said the school’s computer science teacher.

Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, chairing the first conference of collectors and police officers on 13, 14-11-2011 after she came to power in May, has sought their cooperation for corruption-free governance. “Corruption is the biggest hindrance to achieving the goal of good governance. As district heads, collectors have the onerous task of cleaning up the system and improving service delivery. People expect and deserve a corruption-free service delivery system,” she said in her speech.

She also recalled her strong actions against the land grabbers in the state. “We have embarked on a course of putting down antisocial elements and rowdies. Swift and stringent action against land grabbers has restored confidence in the state government and the police. This action will be followed up by enabling the restoration of lands and properties to the original owners through due process,” Jayalalithaa said.

The chief minister also spoke about the various measures taken by her government in fields to improve the living conditions of the poor. “Agriculture, local body administration, health, education, welfare measures, particularly, welfare of the backward communities in the state continue to be our priorities,” she said.

Jayalalithaa also pointed out that eliminating poverty, bridging the rural-urban divide in infrastructure and income gap, achieving gender equity, skill building and employment generation are the key issues of her government.

“It’s my dream that everybody in Tamil Nadu should get everything. This government will ensure that the poor and the downtrodden are provided with the necessary assistance to lead a decent and dignified life,” she told the officials.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gaddafi will have sex with four or five Young Girls daily.

Gaddafi will have sex with four or five Young Girls daily.

முன்னாள் லிபியாவின் சர்வாதிகாரி மம்மர் கடாபி இளம் பெண்களுடன் அடிக்கடி உடல் உறவு கொள்ளும் பழக்கத்திற்கு அடிமையானவன்.ஒவ்வொரு நாளும் நான்கு அல்லது ஐந்து பெண்கள் கடாபிக்கு வேண்டும். மேலும் தெரிந்தது கொள்ள எனது உரையை வீடியோவில் கேளுங்கள்.

Muammar Gaddafi Former Libyan dictator was a sex addict who had a penchant for young women many of whom were his bodyguards, his close aide has revealed.

Gaddafi will enjoy with four or sometimes five women each day. They had just become a habit to Gaddafi. They would go into his bedroom, he would have his way with them and then he would come out like he had just blown his nose. They all had sex with Gaddafi. The more canny of them became wealthy from his gifts of villas or large sums of cash,” Faisal, Gaddafi’s chef of seven years, told to an English newspaper.

Faisal claimed that some of the women his former master bedded suffered so badly that “they went immediately from his bedroom to the hospital” to be treated for internal injuries. In fact, Gaddafi, who once bedded at least four women just hours before meeting Britain’s Prince Andrew for talks, was so addicted to anti-impotence pills that his Ukrainian nurse urged to him to cut the number of drugs he took every day, the chef said.

He even picked up victims at his former alma mater, Tripoli University, where he led the young women to a nearby room whose only furniture was a double bed, he said. Faisal claimed that an aide was once sent to a sex district of Paris, to buy a machine that Gaddafi used to apparently lengthen his sexual organ.

Gadaffi particular about his looks and used to make ups and treatments with green tea to hide his wrinkles. This was revealed by Faisal captured along with Gaddafi.

In an elegant celebration before three years, he titled himself as the king of kings and really he was thinking himself as an Emperor. Gadaffis way of living is a lesson for our politicians in India. They must remember that if they are in power they should behave like a servant of people and not a sole proprietor of a country.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What benefit will achieved by people from a Minister doing sex activities with a nurse? மக்களுக்காக பணியாற்ற வேண்டிய மந்திரி நர்சுடன் சல்லாபமா?

What benefit will achieved by people from a Minister doing sex activities with a nurse? மக்களுக்காக பணியாற்ற வேண்டிய மந்திரி நர்சுடன் சல்லாபமா?

Rajasthan’s sacked water resource minister Mahipal Maderna, embroiled in a sleaze scandal, was late on Saturday 12-11-2011 suspended from the Congress party’s primary membership. Maderna, who is facing investigation on charges of kidnapping of government nurse Bhanwari Devi, is being questioned by the CBI.

The much talked about sex tape involving senior Congress leader Mahipal Maderna and government nurse Bhanwari Devi (36) were telecast on a few TV news channels on Thursday. The telecast of the tape coincided with the first-time quizzing of Maderna by the CBI in Jodhpur.

Maderna, a former minister, was seen in a compromising position and talking intimate with Bhanwari in the 48-minute tape that seems to be shot at some hotel or a guesthouse. The tape is set to have a serious bearing on the ongoing investigation in the Bhanwari Devi missing case and Maderna's arrest seems imminent. The CBI, after seven-hour interrogation, allowed Maderna to go on Thursday. The agency has summoned him on Friday too.

Murmurs about the sex tape were doing rounds ever since Bhanwari went missing on September 1. Her husband Amarchand had on September 6 alleged that his wife had been kidnapped and killed at the behest of Maderna. Later, the court ordered to book Maderna on September 11 on charges of rape, kidnap and murder on a petition filed by Amarchand.

Agency sources said that during the interrogation on Thursday, Maderna had admitted his relationship with Bhanwari. However, he denied that he was part of the conspiracy to kidnap or murder the missing nurse.

The Ministers must first realize that they have been appointed for redressing the grievances of public and it is their fundamental duty to serve the people in an honest way and they must stand as a symbol in guiding others.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Like rationalist leaders worshipping leader’s statue, Vasanthi Stanley M.P. Worshipped Siva statue.

Like rationalist leaders worshipping leader’s statue Vasanthi Stanley M.P. Worshipped Siva statue.

பகுத்தறிவுவாதிகள் தலைவர் சிலையை வணங்குவதுபோல்,வசந்தி ஸ்டான்லி சிவன் சிலையை வணங்கி உள்ளார்.

The visit of a DMK Rajya Sabha member Vasanthi Stanley to a temple in Kancheepuram to offer special prayers for Kanimozhi’s early release on bail has created a flutter in party circles. The DMK, which claims to follow the rationalist principles, has lately seen many of its senior’s make a beeline to temples in troubled times.

Party sources said Vasanthi on Thursday 10-11-2011 went to a Shiva temple in Kancheepuram in which the deity, it is believed, “helped devotees to get out of legal tangles”. A priest in the temple said, “Of late, many officials and politicians visit this temple. On Thursday, we performed ‘annabishekam’ for Lord Shiva.”

The DMK took an official stand on the issue and distanced itself from Vasanthi Stanley’s temple visit, saying “it was the MP’s decision and the party had nothing to do with it.”

DMK’s organising secretary TK S Elangovan said, “Vasanthi Stanley’s visit to the temple did not have the party headquarter's consent. We like to clarify that the party has nothing to do with it.

In “Viduthalai” News paper issue dated 13-9-98 Dravidar Kazhagam and Rationalist leader K.Veeramani has stated that a Statue of Thanthai Periar at a cost of Rs. Two lakhs has been established at the entrance of Nagapattinam City with around park. Like this several rationalist Party leaders statues have been established in several cities with a intention that Party people must respect their leaders by garlanding the Statues and get their blessings. In the same way people are going to Temples to worship the deities and get their blessings to get raid of the difficulties they are facing in life.

When rationalist party leaders are not distancing from worship of the statue of their leaders , there is no use of blaming Vasanthi Stanley M.P. for going to a Temple for worshipping the Lord Siva to get relief for Kanimozhi MP’s bail plea. There is no difference in respecting leader’s statue and God’s statue.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Karunanidhi knowingly made his daughter Kani as a victim in 2g scam.கருணாநிதி இன்று தன மகளையே தனக்குத் தெரிந்து நடந்த ஊழலுக்கு பலிக கடா ஆக்கிவிட்டார்.

Karunanidhi knowingly made his daughter Kani as a victim in 2g scam.கருணாநிதி இன்று தன மகளையே தனக்குத் தெரிந்து நடந்த ஊழலுக்கு பலிக கடா ஆக்கிவிட்டார்.

The 2G trial court on 3-11-2011 rejected Kanimozhi’s bail plea saying the DMK Rajya Sabha member belonged to an elite section of society and therefore could not claim the privilege of being a woman to seek bail.

Judge .P Saini’s 76-page order said the accused “belongs to upper echelons of the society and is also a Member of Parliament. By no stretch of imagination she can be said to be suffering from any discrimination on ground of being a woman alone.”

Kanimozhi, who has been in Tihar jail for the past five months, had sought bail under Section 437 of the criminal code on the ground of being a woman.

Saini said the privilege is accorded to women accused as they are generally considered a weak and exploited section of society, both socially and economically, and deserve extra protection and sympathetic treatment. But if one asks whether this consideration should apply to Kanimozhi, he said, “The answer to the question is an emphatic ‘No’.”

Citing a Supreme Court order, the judge said a murder may be committed in the heat of the moment but an economic offence is committed with cool calculation for personal profit regardless of the consequences for the state.

“For the aforesaid reasons, I am satisfied that no case for bail is made out for any of the accused,” the order said.

The accused had argued they deserved bail because they had been languishing in jail for five to nine months and because the trial could take a long time thanks to the long list of witnesses. The court rejected this argument too.

“In circumstances of a particular case, these factors may be relevant... but in some cases, it may not be so,” Saini said, citing a high court order.

“If a person knows that even after misappropriating huge public funds, he can come out on bail after spending a few months in jail and thereafter can continue to enjoy the ill-gotten wealth, obtained by illegal means, that would only encourage many others to commit similar crimes,” he said.

“Not everyone would mind luxurious living for him and his family even if it comes at the cost of spending a few months in jail. A strong message therefore needs to be sent to these white-collar criminals and those... waiting in the wings that, in the long run, it does not pay to be on the wrong side of the law.”

The court said that after the framing of charges, “the case has crystallized against the accused.... It has moved to a higher pedestal, that is, from the stage of suspicion or grave suspicion, it has reached the higher stage of prima facie acceptability.” The court refuses bail to Kani, 7 others in 2G case.

Karunanidhi was so far under wrong impression that the Central Government was running only on the alliance strength of DMK. Knowingly he has made his daughter to be a victim in the 2g scam money by getting 200 cores as loan to Kalignar TV. Now there is no use of blaming Congress or any other persons in this scam event. Karunanidhi henceforth must remember the proverb “Evil be gets evil”.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha playing drama instead of saving the lives of Murugan,Santhan and Perarivalan.

Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha playing drama instead of saving the lives of Murugan,Santhan and Perarivalan.

சாந்தன்,முருகன்,பேரறிவாளனைக் காப்பாற்ற கருணாநிதி, ஜெயலலிதாவால் முடியாதா?

Chief Minister Jayalalithaa getting a unanimous resolution passed in the state assembly asking the union government to grant clemency to the three LTTE assassins of Rajiv Gandhi. Immediately after Jayalalithaa’s announcement in the House that she was helpless in getting the death sentence of Santhan, Perarivalan and Murugan commuted to life imprisonment, the DMK president drove down to his party headquarters and released a statement to the media asking the state and central governments to quash the death sentence of the trio.

But by that time Jayalalithaa had shown to the world that Karunanidhi is a master in doublespeak.

Though the clemency petitions of Santhan, Murugan and Perarivalaan had come to him in 2000 when he was the chief minister, Karunanidhi chose to look the other way.

“It is strange that he is pleading to the state and central governments for mercy on the three Tamil youths. When he was calling the shots in UPA 1 he did nothing to get the presidential pardon for Murugan, Santhan and Perarivalan. He was more worried about getting plum cabinet postings for his children and grand nephews,” said P Nedumaran, leader of Tamil Nationalist Movement.

He said a word from the DMK president would have made a lot of difference. Nedumaran pointed out that the first thing done by Pratibha Patilafter getting elected as President was to make a visit to Chennai to thank the people of Tamil Nadu.

“But Karunanidhi is more concerned about saving Raja and Kanimozhi. He did nothing to help these three persons,” he said.

Tamil Aruvi Manian also criticized both Karunanidhi and Jayalalitha that they are playing drama with the remission for the three LTTE activists.

Junior Vikatan in its issue dated 6-11-2011 has published Tamil Aruvi Manians criticisms and we are telling the same in Tamil thro “You Tube”.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

DMK and AIADMK should not forgive the sins of former ministers of other party and embrace with them.

DMK and AIADMK should not forgive the sins of former ministers of other party and embrace with them.

திமுகவும், அதிமுகவும் மற்றக் கட்சிக்கு துரோகம் இழைத்து வருபவர்களைத் தங்களுடன் இணைத்துக்கொள்ளக்கூடாது.

DMK chief M Karunanidhi on Sunday 30-10-2011 joined issue with his former cabinet colleague Parithi Ilamvazhuthi without naming him. Ilamvazhuthi had recently lashed out at lack of democrary within the DMK and hinted that the party treasurer M K Stalin can not inherit the leadership as a matter of right.

“When there was not even a penny in their hand some people stood rock solid behind the party but the same ones with the all the riches now are betraying the party to save their money. Some betrayers, concerned only about their welfare, are behaving a like a son who stabs his own mother,” Karunanidhi said in a letter to his cadres.

Former DMK deputy general secretary Parithi Ilamvazhuthi has sounded an open revolt against the party leadership on Friday at a press conference. He had said Karunanidhi was not in control of the party and claimed there was no inner-party democracy in the DMK. He indicated that Stalin was running the party in an authoritarian manner.

“Kalaignar was very upset over Ilamvazhuthi’s attack on the leadership. He thinks that Parithi is being put up to this by some one. Thalaivar feels that Ilamvazhuthi wants to avoid cases and raids from the state government. That is why he criticized Parithi in his letter. Kalaignar wants to convey the message to the cadres,” A DMK MP said.

Karunanidhi also asked his cadres to involve themselves in a membership drive for the party. “DMK has been in existence for 62 years. We have faced a lot of troubles in the past. Troubles are not new to us. We will face it and succeed it,” he said. The DMK chief called his cadres to fight against the land grabbing cases and disproportionate of wealth cases with a brave heart. He requested for the unity among the cadres. He also recalled the Emergency period which, he said, had proven the party’s ability to face troubles.

It is known subject to Karunanidhi that whenever their party wins, AIADMK party ministers like Pulavar Indira kumari and like KKSSR betraying their party joined DMK to safe guard their personal interests. Like that now the former DMK Minister like Parithi Ilamvazhuthi resigning his party post and may join with other party. But the party leaders must take a vow not to entertain any people who have betrayed their party and now joining hands for their personal benefits. The voted people are being made fools by the party leaders, by embracing the betrayers of the other parties who have earned a lot for their own family by deceiving the common people.

The Party who has promised to the people that it will work for the uplift of the people must stand to their ideology and if they lapse from that, the people will never forgive their sins. Both DMK and AIADMK should not forgive the sins of former ministers of other party and embrace them with their party.