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மகா கவி பாரதியின் பாடல்கள் இந்திய மக்கள் உள்ளங்களிலே
விடுதலை உணர்வைத் தூண்டியது.

Yessvee Ramani Jokes and Books published in Tamil Nadu, Media

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whether Karunanidhi will support Anna Hazares fast protest against corruption?

Whether Karunanidhi will support Anna Hazares fast protest against corruption? அண்ணா ஹஜாரேயின் ஊழல் ஒழிப்புப் போராட்டத்திற்கு கருணாநிதி ஆதரவு அளிப்பாரா?

Anna Hazare's anti-corruption campaign, who were demanding a strong Jan Lokpal, was received support from almost the entire India.

Anna Hazare who was arrested in the morning of 16-8-2011 refused to leave Tihar jail on 16-8-2011 mid night after the police withdrew the case against him and his seven arrested associates and a magistrate issued a release warrant for all eight.

Hazare had the police and jail authorities scratching their heads by saying he would not leave the jail until the police gave him an undertaking allowing him to hold his indefinite fast at JP Park without conditions.

Senior police officers rushed to Tihar latter to try and persuade Hazare to leave the jail, while a crowd of amused residents from nearby areas, including women and children, turned out before the gates to witness the fun.

Hazare said he would go to JP Park straight from the jail after getting an undertaking from us. Around midnight, Hazare was resting on a sofa in the office of director-general (prisons) Neeraj Kumar while jail and police officers sat in chairs around him, trying to talk him round. Hazare has refused dinner saying he is on fast.

“Both Hazare and (Arvind) Kejriwal have refused to do so. We cannot force them to sign as it will create more trouble for the government,” the jail official said.

Only one of the jailed Team Hazare members, Manish Sisodia, signed on the release order and came out. He then sat on a dharna outside the prison with hundreds of supporters who shouted anti-government slogans.

“I have come out to convey his message to the people. Hazare will leave the jail only after getting written permission to hold the protest at JP Park. Else, he will continue to be there,” Sisodia said.

In Tamil Nadu, we do not know, whether UPA alliance partner and DMK president Karunanidhi will support Hazare’s indefinite fast protest against corruption in India? See the “You Yube” Video speeches in Tamil.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tamil Nadu People wants President Mahinda Rajapaksa, be brought to trial for alleged war crimes.

Tamil Nadu People wants President Mahinda Rajapaksa, be brought to trial for alleged war crimes.

தமிழக மக்களின் விருப்பம் ராஜபக்சேயை போர் குற்றவாளியாக அறிவித்து விசாரணை நடத்தவேண்டும்.

The emotive Sri Lankan Tamils issue figured in the state assembly on 11-8-2010 with chief minister J Jayalalithaa insisting that India convey its protest against the “motivated” remarks of Sri Lanka defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa on the resolution passed by the assembly recently on the plight of Tamils living in the island nation.

In a recent interview to a private channel, Gotabaya Rajapaksa had hit out at Jayalalithaa for demanding that Lankan leaders, including President Mahinda Rajapaksa, be brought to trial for alleged war crimes. “This (resolutions passed in the Tamil Nadu assembly) must be for her (Jayalalithaa) to gain political advantage,” he said.

Replying to a special call attention moved by opposition parties, including the DMDK, the CPI and the CPM, Jayalalithaa said, “One suspect that Gotabaya Rajapaksa is encouraged to give such an interview because of the inaction of the Centre on the resolution passed by the assembly. This government will not rest until Sri Lankan Tamils are rehabilitated and live in conditions on a par with other Sri Lankans.” She assured members that her government would continue to take diplomatic steps and would not relent until a solution is found.

Recalling an earlier resolution urging the Centre to impose economic sanctions on Sri Lanka, Jayalalithaa said it was passed based on a UN committee report on alleged human rights violations during the final conflict between the armed forces and the LTTE. On June 8, the assembly passed a resolution demanding that the Centre take action to get all those responsible for largescale civilian deaths during the ethnic war declared as ‘war criminals’ by the International Court of Justice. It also demanded economic sanctions against the island nation to pressure the country into giving equal status and dignity to Tamils.

If, as the Sri Lankan government claimed, there were no war crimes, why were they hesitant about facing the International Court of Justice, wondered Jayalalithaa. When former chief minister M Karunanidhi observed a fast and organised a human chain protest demanding ceasefire of the war in Sri Lanka, the government there did not react. But now it has raised a hue and cry over the resolution passed by the present Government.

Whole Tamilnadu people ambition is that Lankan leaders, including President Mahinda Rajapaksa, be brought to trial for alleged war crimes